The UltraStream a simpler, far more affordable way to alkalize, ionize and purify water.
Using the world’s best leading-edge filtration media, the UltraStream produces the same alkaline, ionized, antioxidant water as water ionizers 4x times the price.
Removes Fluoride, Chlorine, Chloramines, Heavy Metals, Pathogens and much more.
Now with additional Virus Guardian filter layer.
Adds Beneficial Alkaline Minerals to Produce Alkaline Water
Infuses water with Molecular Hydrogen.
Tested for the life of the filter (12 months or 3000 litres).
Designed in Australia and tested for Australian water conditions. Manufactured in the USA.
3 Year Warranty* conditions apply.
Easy to install Replacement Cartridge Find out more
If you use bore or river water (well water) please email us or call us on 0407 780 485 before purchasing.
Available in an under-sink version. find out more…